Fall Milwaukee Sale
Save 15% on ALL Milwaukee tools and accessories for one day only! All Berland’s locations!!
Festool Experience
Woodworkers!! Don’t miss this event on Oct. 7 at our Palatine store!
Save 15% on all Bosch tools/accessopries
Bosch reps will be at our Palatine location from 10a-2p. Free pizza for all at lunchtime.
Festool Experience
Experience the new tool lineup from Festool. Demos and giveaways on Saturday, Sept. 9, 8a-12p, in our Lombard store.
Makita Sale
Save 15% on any and all Makita tools and products! Offer good at all Berland’s locations. Reps and demos at Palatine from 10a-2p.
Bosch Spooktacular
All Bosch tools and accessories reduced 15% on Friday Oct. 28. Bosch reps will be at the Palatine store from 10a-2p. Demos, drinks and snacks.
The 2022 Festool Experience Live Demo
The 2022 Festool Experience Live Demo Event comes to our Palatine store on September 23 from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. (and at our Lombard store on 10/07.) The theme is Cut - Join - Finish, featuring Festool Tracksaws, the Domino 500 Joiner and the Rotex 150 multi-mode sander. We will be giving away a limited number of Festool Swag Bags and 1 Festool Toprock Bluetooth Systainer at this event. (Must attend to win.)
Sept. 1 Makita Sale
On September 1 save 15% all day long on Makita tools and accessories at all Berland’s stores. Makita Experience truck at Palatine 8a-3p.
Milwaukee Spring Sale
Save 15% all day on all Milwaukee tools at ALL Berland’s locations!

Saturday Category Sale! Feb. 5: all lasers
Save 20% on all lasers this Saturday, Feb. 5, from 8am-11am. Over 50 models to choose from.
Each Saturday in February we will offer a 20% discount on an entire category. Next week: rotary and demolition hammers.
Makita Sale on Friday Dec. 10
Save 15% on all Makita products on Friday Dec. 10 at all Berland’s locations.
Bosch Hot Buys on June 25th
Save at least 15% on all Bosch products on Friday June 25th.
Big One Day Makita Sale
This Friday May 14, save 15% on all Makita tools and accessories at all three Berland’s locations! Free lunch served at Palatine. Makita reps at Palatine only.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Bosch Hot Buys Sale
Save 15% on all Bosch tools and accessories on Friday, April 16 at Berland’s.

Makita Sale Friday, April 2!
Do not miss this sale. 15% off all things Makita at all three stores all day Friday!
Jet Holiday Sale
All Jet Benchtop tools are discounted 15% through Dec. 31 at Berland’s!
Makita Sale
10% off all Makita electric tools and Makita accessories. Many batter deals with purchase. See store for details.